
Peter BrantonFollow



The key to how this design can function is the ability to rotate a permanent magnet placed between another permanent magnet and an electromagnet creating a almost net zero torque environment, therefore maintaining the laws of thermodynamics and energy conservation. Losses and resistances accounted for include friction losses 10% per cycle, hysteresis losses 5% due to electromagnetic hysteresis, control system power consumption estimated at 0.72 joules per cycle, electrical resistance in coils and wires factored at 90% conversion efficiency, mechanical misalignment plus eddy currents plus magnetic saturation and back emf estimated at a further 10% total. A further 10% reduction in surplus energy has been applied to account for any potential real-world losses such as minor inefficiencies and unforeseen resistances. Drag is assumed zero as a vacuum chamber can easily be used. These values can change by altering its environmental conditions such as use in space or cold climates. The use of exotic materials such as graphene for use in the electrical system can also improve efficiency.

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