
Yuexi ChenFollow


Disclosed herein is a system 202 for providing an NFC 212 and a SE (Secure Element) 218 integrated gaming controller 210. In particular, when a user 112 taps a contactless payment card 110 on the NFC antenna 212 of the gaming controller 210 for purchasing digital assets, a cryptogram of the contactless payment card 110 is obtained through the APDU exchange by the gaming controller 210 and a device token is thereafter provisioned by a server 230 in communication with the gaming controller 210. This associates the user 112 account with the generated device token which is further used to purchase more digital assets in future without the need for tapping the contactless payment card 110. Further, the generated device token also enables the user 112 to conveniently switch between the different gaming consoles to play with teammates without any friction.

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