
This paper describes a method to structure binary elements into a binary tree structure which enables them to be searched efficiently. The binary elements utilized in this method can be of variable sizes. All the binary elements utilized are structured into equal-sized partitions. Each partition is of the size of one bit. One such bit value can contain a value of zero or one. A particular binary element is inserted into the binary tree structure by activating the branching structure of the tree which corresponds to the bit configuration of that particular binary element. Likewise, multiple binary elements with multiple bit configurations could be inserted into the binary tree structure by activating the branching structures on the tree which correspond to their bit configurations. When a particular binary element is inserted into the binary tree structure, the node or the location on the tree where it ended its bit configuration will be highlighted as being ended by an element. Multiple elements that are inserted into this binary tree structure could have common bit configurations or common corresponding branching configurations among them. The binary tree is inspected from branch to branch or from node to node according to the desired bit configuration in order to search for a particular element. In order to get a search result for a particular element, it would take at maximum, a workload equivalent to the workload required to examine the entire bit configuration or the entire branching configuration of the particular element itself.

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