
Conventional Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) line-side edges are not always distributed, and they require that registrations and calls be handled by the same entity. Servers that support Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) clients do not require a hard state and with cloud deployments they are increasingly being deployed as containerized workloads. Containerized deployments (such as Kubernetes) are typically stateless, and even with stateful implementations special handling is required to ensure that registrations and calls are consistently sent to the same SIP edge node, with high availability, in the face of frequent pod failures. To address such challenges, techniques are presented herein that enable a browser (that is stateless) to register via a Kubernetes cluster of pods (which are, again, stateless) but still connect as a SIP line side to a legacy SIP system that requires stickiness in terms of using the same Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) connection for SIP registrations and calls.

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