
Firas SammouraFollow


Autonomous driverless vehicles are gaining adoption for a variety of purposes, such as picking up and dropping off passengers, delivering packages or food, etc. Since autonomous vehicles lack the human supervision of a driver, it is important to ensure that the person collecting orders from the vehicle is the person who placed the order or a designated authorized person. When the vehicle carries multiple orders, it needs to be further ensured that people can access only their own items. This disclosure describes techniques to automatically assign and verify codes associated with each order that enable identification of users that are authorized to access specific orders within the collection of orders being delivered by an autonomous driverless vehicle at a given time. Authentication of the user can be performed using a code transmitted from a user device to the vehicle via ultra-wideband (UWB) or other wireless communication, the user manually entering a code, or via face or fingerprint authentication, if permitted by the user.

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