
HP INCFollow


Customers who utilize a device for interacting with a printer may do so for different needs and situations and primary use

cases for a device may vary from user to user. Based on the context, a user may want to perform multiple tasks using the

same document source.

Most of the solutions on market require users to perform tasks separately, without allowing continuation of the workflow.

Other solutions require users to build a workflow recipe before the workflow is performed. Preferences in individual tasks are

usually not stored in the workflow because doing so would require a lot of details up front. Another broad family of solutions

allows users to perform the task and have the process recorded. Materials can be imported to the saved workflow in the

future. While this solution works when new materials have close resemblance with the prior one, it lacks flexibility. Users

cannot change individual tasks once the workflow is recorded. The user interface (UI) is also static while users are recording

their workflow.

The solution embodied in this document treats all tasks as processes of workflow creation. It guides users through each task,

and the UI is dynamically changed to guide users for the next available task. Once a workflow is complete, it is automatically

saved for future use. The new workflow also be amended when users utilize it in the future.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.
