
Some mobile devices enable communication via geostationary satellites that can be accessed from any point on earth. Satellite-based communication is typically routed to the geostationary satellite closest to the device. However, the closest satellite may not always be optimal because of noise and obstacles. This disclosure describes techniques for dynamic selection of the optimal geostationary satellite if the connection with the currently selected satellite is poor. The optimal satellite can initially be chosen as the closest one from a list of geostationary satellites accessible from each location, ranked by their current longitudinal distance from the device. The initial choice can be dynamically updated with the next entry in the ranked list if the connection is poor as indicated by various parameters of signal strength and reliability. The choice can also be updated to account for significant device movement from the point at which the satellite was chosen. The azimuth and elevation of the currently selected satellite can be used to guide users to point the device appropriately to achieve a stronger connection.

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