
The estimated field life of a product is determined by subjecting the product to accelerated testing at various stages, including the engineering, development, and production stages. Accelerated testing involves subjecting a large base of sample products to thermal shock, humidity, dust, or other tests to accelerate aging. After accelerated testing, at the time of mass production, the product is subjected to HALT/HASS as a form of ongoing reliability testing. HALT and HASS apply multiple stressors at different intensity combinations but cannot produce field-life estimates. This disclosure leverages HALT-HASS by using Arrhenius and modified-Eyring modeling to estimate acceleration factor and field life. The techniques enable testing and screening of products with lower test duration. Further, the number of samples needed for testing is lower. Use of the techniques can reduce product returns (also known as return merchandise authorizations, or RMAs), improve reliability, lower costs, and shorten test-turnaround time.

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