Sharing of Radio Access Network (RAN) resources is set to become a typical deployment scenario for enterprise Fifth Generation (5G) radio access implementations in which a neutral host may offer a converged Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) Radio Unit (O-RU) function that can be shared between an enterprise and multiple mobile network operators (MNOs), can be hosted by an enterprise via a converged O-RU that simultaneously supports multiple MNOs, or can be hosted by a service provider (SP), which can support an enterprise as well as one or more MNOs. Current solutions provide for the ability to facilitate dynamic sharing of resources using a near real-time RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) that acts as an arbiter between different tenants sharing an O-RU in order to to support dynamic resource partitioning. However, as its name implies, a near real-time RIC is not suitable for real time dynamic sharing and is hence unable to operate when dynamic sharing needs to operate over very short durations, such as for a frame or sub-frame. Presented herein is a new section extension that can be implemented in an O-RAN fronthaul control-plane (C-Plane) in order to facilitate signaling exchanges necessary to support real-time dynamic sharing of O-RU resources.
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Recommended Citation
Grayson, Mark and Gandhi, Indermeet, "REAL-TIME COORDINATION BETWEEN SHARED SCHEDULERS IN AN O-RAN ARCHITECTURE", Technical Disclosure Commons, (May 03, 2022)