PIDF-LO (presence information data format location object) is an HTTP, XML tag format that includes a location object. PIDF-LO enables sending location objects natively on an emergency (E911) call over the internet, enabling high speed, high accuracy provisioning. This disclosure describes techniques to obtain accurate position information for the PIDF-LO header during emergency calls. If wireless positioning is available and location certainty is below a threshold, then the position fix is sent over the PIDF-LO. If wireless positioning is unavailable, a finite number of timed attempts are made to determine location using available positioning technologies. Upon exhausting the number of attempts, if the best-found location uncertainty is below a threshold, then the position fix is sent over the PIDF-LO. If the location uncertainty is above the threshold, no position fix is sent over the PIDF-LO.
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Recommended Citation
Anonymous, "Obtaining Accurate Position Data for the PIDF-LO Header in Emergency Calls", Technical Disclosure Commons, (March 30, 2022)