
The present disclosure relates to providing authenticity for a document with respect to timestamp. In an embodiment, if a document is created at particular time, Hash(X) can be stored in a centralized place maintained by a trusted third party. But it transfers control over to Third party, to prove the authenticity with respect to the time at which document was created, which means, if that third party is compromised, the document loses its authenticity. For every second t, a public and private key pair is generated by a third party (T). When Hash(X) is given to T at time t, it encrypts Hash(X)+t by the private key (digital signature) and sends back the response. At the same time, the public key is made available for everyone on the internet. So, to verify the authenticity of X, the digital signature provided by T, will be decrypted with the public key generated at time t. Since the public key is published to the internet and anyone can poll that data, if the document verifier don’t trust T directly, but trusts some Company A that in turn trusts T, he can verify the document by getting public key polled by A from T at time t (indirectly forming a chain of trust).

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