Herewith, I suggest the advancement of testing for Covid19 in terms of adjusting the common swap tests (as described inhere: https://www.cnet.com/health/how-to-get-tested-for-coronavirus-at-home/ (date and time of access: 17 April 2021 6:28 pm)), especially for children, young people and elderly people and for all self-use: Instead of tests that require you to swab the inside of your nose or cheek to collect a sample that can be tested for the Corona-(Covid-19)-virus the sample shall be collected by a method using something like a glove (at least about one finger) with which one picks oneself nose to deliver a sample that might be analyzed by commonly known or novel methods (novel might be for example: class testing based-upon the (finger-"gloves" potentially contaminous) to detect Covid-19 or other diseases in cases where school classes would have to be quarantined completely, anyway, in case of one single positive result).
Julia Krueger (date/ place of birth: 04.09.1983, Magdeburg/ Germany), nationality: German,
contact: krueger.julia@protonmailcom), Berlin, the 17th of April 2021
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
Recommended Citation
Krueger, Julia, "Advancing the Method of Corona-Testing", Technical Disclosure Commons, (April 20, 2021)