
HP INCFollow


In system firmware (BIOS) develop phase, system firmware (BIOS) source code includes various

peripheral devices firmware and configuration INF file.

A binary raw data file that includes BIOS and various peripheral device firmware name, version,

& vendor will be generate during BIOS build process.

The binary raw data will be integrated into system firmware. Like, BIOS Logo file.

A new SMBIOS type provides individual FW name, version, and vendor information.

A warning message which firmware information doesn’t match firmware BKC will display in preboot

environment when system firmware is not protection.

An error log that firmware doesn’t match firmware BKC will always be record to support error

management software tool.

Two new WMI interface to return a binary raw data of various firmware information and error

log. It can be utility on automatic verification software tool or error management software tool.

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Creative Commons License
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