
HP INCFollow


Docking station becomes more and more complex, because it has lots of controllers and processors, even audio, integrated in a docking

device. For example, a docking device may have USB Hub controller, thunderbolt controller, audio controller…etc. Each controller/processor

may have its own FW, usually, the FW is updatable.

 Docking device has compatible issues on various PC platform. Most compatible issues will be fix through FW upgrade. Current docking device

FW upgrade need to install addition application on host PC platform first. User need to download new firmware software package with

addition application from docking vendor web page first and do firmware upgrade manual. If customer PC doesn’t update FW immediately,

user will meet abnormal behavior when PC connect docking device.

 Here we proposed a unified, immediately automatic docking station FW upgrade to improve the problem. The proposal is expected to

improve docking station FW upgrade method.

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