
Peter BrantonFollow


The Branton engine is primarily an engine designed for aircraft/ space shuttles. Although it can be applied to other forms of transport given the correct design. This engine resembles partly a jet turbine in the sense it has an air intake that compresses normal air to be mixed with fuel, combusted then released through a rear cone. In a standard turbine the thrust turns a rear fan, the rear fan is directly connected to the front fan. This method requires using a percentage of the thrust force to maintain the rotation of the front fan. The Branton engine uses the heat generated by the thrust on the rear cone to give rotation to the front fan using a closed condensing system, plus an added force to gain rotation to the front fan is gained by a fuel heating system, again using the heat generated in the rear cone by the thrust. The front fan has a specially designed curved shape to give maximum air intake and compression, the design of the fan means its diameter can be 50% less than a flat blade fan. An added advantage of the curved front fan is its ability to give a smooth transition whilst passing through the supersonic shock wave etc. The following diagrams provide a basic outline of the workings and principles of this engine type. Any questions etc please contact myself via email

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