
As an important new feature in the wireless smart utility network (Wi-SUN) 2.0 protocol, low-power functionality has a range of implementation problems. One of those problems concerns time synchronization (TS) between an ultra-low duty cycle limited function device (LFD) and a central full function device (FFD) using a channel hopping mechanism. Most of the existing TS proposals focus on reducing the total overhead of all of the nodes in a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) by improving or enhancing a Reference-Broadcast Infrastructure Synchronization (RBIS) or Timing-sync Protocol for Sensor Networks (TPSN) algorithm, but such algorithms do not consider the ultra-low duty cycle WSN case. To address these sorts of challenges, techniques are presented herein that support a novel TS mechanism whereby, rather than waking up an LFD just for a sync time, the LFD may ‘sleep’ for as long as desired while incurring just a very small energy cost as the LFD awaits a synchronization message.

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