Many online services, such as websites or apps, facilitate user sign-up or sign-in via different identity providers (IDPs). When a service permits the use of multiple IDPs, displaying the UIs of all of these at the same time is not suitable from a user experience point of view. In such cases, each of the available IDP options needs to be shown one by one. However, owing to various issues regarding how libraries and/or Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) of different IDPs handle the authentication action flow, it is difficult for online services to integrate with multiple IDPs in such a chained manner. To tackle this problem, the techniques described in this disclosure provide a chainable API to facilitate standardized communication between an online service that requests user authentication and an IDP that holds the user’s credentials.
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Recommended Citation
Kong, Guibin and Soneff, Steven, "Standardized Flow-control Signals to Support Chaining of Identity Providers", Technical Disclosure Commons, (June 08, 2020)