New techniques have advanced the output quality of monitor displays, which continue to improve
day by day. Therefore, recent displays have a higher resolution than ever before. It is not only
TV or desktop monitors that have a larger and higher-resolution display, but even notebook
monitors also support high resolution. In the operating system (OS) environment, there exists
an interface for users to change their resolution. It can be fine-tuned to a user’s preference. But
in a pre-OS environment like a command shell, such an interface does not exist. Therefore, a
user will see very small text with a high resolution display which can be difficult to read and
provide a bad user experience. With bigger displays, e.g., over 20,” having a 4K UHD resolution
(3840 x 2160) should be fine, but when the monitor is smaller than, e.g., 15” but still has a 4K
UHD output display, the text becomes very small and hard to read.
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Recommended Citation
INC, HP, "DYNAMIC DISPLAY RESOLUTION IN PRE-OS ENVIRONMENT", Technical Disclosure Commons, (February 18, 2020)