
A seamless immersive experience requires appropriate physical interactions between 3D objects in the scene being viewed. Systems typically handle such interactions by detecting and resolving collisions between 3D objects in the scene. However, collision detection between two high poly meshes of the two colliding 3D objects has the computational order of O(N2) where N is the triangle count for the respective meshes, thus making the computations time-consuming which prohibits real-time use. Current techniques include manual creation of simpler collider shapes such as spheres and boxes to approximate the geometry. This disclosure describes techniques that automatically approximate the poly mesh of any complex 3D virtual object with a set of colliders that are primitive shapes such as spheres, cubes, capsules, etc. The application of the techniques to automatically generate colliders enable leveraging mechanisms of collider-based collision detection which can be several orders of magnitude faster than collision detection between poly meshes. As a result, the described techniques can be used for offline pre-processing that provides output that enables real-time collision detection, without human intervention, with reduced consumption of computational resources, thus improving the user experience and overall performance of AR/VR/MR/ER software and/or hardware.

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