


Voltage regulators (VR), the source of power to printed circuit boards (PCB) and their components, are typically placed laterally with respect to their loads. A VR is typically connected to its load via a power delivery path that comprises metal planes, vias, decoupling capacitors, etc. Powerful ASICs are energy-intensive, consuming hundreds of amperes. This high power consumption leads to unacceptably high power loss on the lateral power delivery path, leading to other undesirable effects such as high operating temperatures and reduced reliability.

This disclosure describes a PCB design that places the VR directly below its load. A vertical power delivery module integrates the VR and passive decoupling capacitors in layered form. The design results in lower power loss, and by virtue of the combined capacitor-VR structure, lends itself to better manufacturability and transient performance. It also provides the designer flexibility in circuit board floor planning and component placement.

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