Working with a system that includes belt to provide motion to a carriage, this belt has to be tensioned
in order to avoid belt problems, such as belt slippage in the motor pulley, belt flapping… There are
different methods to provide belt tension, but in this case the main idea is to provide the tension by
pulling the motive pulley.
To provide this motion and pull force to the motive pulley, an easy serviceable low‐cost belt tensioner
has been designed. This design includes a gauge, which depending how is coiled into 2 pem nuts allows
to create belt tension due the springs or removes the belt tension bringing the springs into a block
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
INC, HP, "EASY SERVICEABLE LOW-COST BELT TENSIONER", Technical Disclosure Commons, (March 19, 2019)