LaserJet printers provide different means of secure printing using smart cards, PIN (Personal Identification Number)
etc. Print jobs secured with a PIN can be stored as a temporary or permanent file on the printer. With the current
behavior on LaserJet Printers, if the user submits a PIN print job and forgets the pin, then the user can neither print
the job nor delete the job. When the job resides as a permanent file, factory reset is only the option to remove the
file from the printer. This paper presents a way to regenerate the PIN in a secure way to enable the user to retrieve
the print file. This also reduces the need to factory reset to delete stored print files with forgotten PIN.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
INC, HP, "STORED JOBS PIN REGENERATION", Technical Disclosure Commons, (July 31, 2018)