Online fundraising platforms (including social media platforms) encourage donors to publicize their donations via social media to increase visibility for the cause being funded. Credit for social donations is generally given only from one level to the next. For example, credit is given to the user who shares the event of their donation if their sharing led to another donation. However, if the user’s share in turn shared the event of their donations, the original user that started the train of donations is not credited for donations originating beyond the first audience. This disclosure provides techniques such that when a consenting user shares a URL of a donation with a first audience, the user is credited for donations generated not only by the first audience but also by any further audiences that the first audience share the URL with. Users are credited with the total sum of donations they have driven.
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Recommended Citation
Lewis, Justin and Davies, Ruxandra, "Multi-level donation attribution in social networks", Technical Disclosure Commons, (April 12, 2018)